Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I was in school from 4:00 pm today. I was dissappionted with my Codes mid-term. So sat down in the library, went thru all the questions to figure wat went wrong. Its so frustrating ...was able to find out just two answers for the wrong one's. Wow... Can't beleive it... It's lot of theory and the professor isn't good too...
One positive thing about all of this, I went thru few chapters and now I know where to look for answers for my final test.
Well time for class...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Attempt's to learn SketchUp

First attempt:
I started with the tutorial for sketch-up. First four went good. It was about basic tools.
Then the exercise was to make a chair in three different ways. Finished making the chair in two different ways, but got stuck with the third approach. Especially when trying to make a Component. I will give it a try again.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

After a comma,

Its been a while since I tried to pen something. Coming weeks I am going to change that.
My posts will include attempts to learn new things and how I fared with them.
